Graffiti exhaust hood on a dirty wall

Graffiti exhaust hood on a dirty wall in Ginza,Tokyo,Japan | Tokyo Japan Film Photography

Graffiti exhaust hood on a dirty wall in Ginza,Tokyo,Japan | Tokyo Japan Film Photography


35mm Film Camera Black and White Photo Example

Project Title of Photography

Photography of the Other Side of Tokyo Japan

Series Title of Photography

Wall Series

*This category contains black and white 35mm film photographs of the “Wall” series in the “Series Title of Photography”.

Title of Photography

Graffiti exhaust hood on a dirty wall in Ginza,Tokyo,Japan

Landscape and Architecture Photographing Location


*In this category, black and white 35mm film photographs taken in “GINZA” in “TOKYO” in “JAPAN” in “Landscape and Architecture Photographing Location” are posted.

Shooting Data

Shooting Date:13/29/2020
Camera & LensPENTAX LX 35mm Film Camera SMC PENTAX-M 28mm F2.8 Lens
FilmRollei Retro 80S 35mm Film Roll
DeveloperPMK Pyro Developer(solution B sodium carbonate)
Time︰24°C 5min30sec
DigitizeSIGMA SD15 Digital Camera with Nikon Slide Copying Adapter ES-1

Thinking About This Photograph

 The place where this photograph was taken is the area called “Higashi-Ginza” in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.

 The areas of “Kobikicho Nakadori” and “Kobikichodori” on the southeast side of “Showa Dori” are downtown areas of Higashi-Ginza.

 I found a ventilation hood on a dirty wall in the back alley of such a city.

 Moreover, it comes with graffiti.

 “Dirt” is the “Good Prey” in film photographs.

 I immediately released the shutter.

 Taking a beautiful stain tone requires some skill, but it’s not difficult.

 It just keeps proper exposure and proper development.