A chair leaning against the wall of a closed down restaurant

"Wall"series "A chair leaning against the wall of a closed down restaurant in the back alley" in Ginza,Tokyo,Japan | Tokyo Japan Film Photography

"Wall"series "A chair leaning against the wall of a closed down restaurant in the back alley" in Ginza,Tokyo,Japan | Tokyo Japan Film Photography


35mm Film Camera Black and White Photo Example

Project Title of Photography

Photography of the Other Side of Tokyo,Japan

Series Title of Photography


*This category contains black and white 35mm film photographs of the “Wall” series in the “Series Title of Photography”.

Title of Photography

A chair leaning against the wall of a closed down restaurant in Ginza,Tokyo,Japan

Landscape and Architecture Photographing Location


*In this category, black and white 35mm film photographs taken in “GINZA” in “TOKYO” in “JAPAN” in “Landscape and Architecture Photographing Location” are posted.

Shooting Data

Shooting Date:4/23/2022
Camera & LensPENTAX LX 35mm Film Camera SMC PENTAX-M 35mm F2 Lens
FilmRollei Retro 80S 35mm Film Roll
ISO Sensitivity:ISO 100
Exposure MeterSekonic View Spot Meter L-438
DeveloperPMK Pyro Developer(solution B sodium carbonate)
Time︰24°C 5min30sec
DigitizeSIGMA SD15 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon Slide Copying Adapter ES-1

“PENTAX LX” About the film SLR camera used for this black and white film photography

PENTAX LX film camera | Plumbing design behind the building in Nihonbashi,Tokyo,Japan

Many of the photographs in this photography project “The Other Side of Tokyo, Japan” were taken with the “PENTAX LX” 35mm Film SLR Camera.

A few others, including those taken with the “Ricoh Flex New Dia” medium-sized 120 twin-lens reflex film camera and the “PENTAX PC35AF” 35mm point and shoot film camera.

The “PENTAX LX” was a film camera manufactured from 1980 to 20 years, and was the Pentax flagship SLR film camera.

Functionally, it is an extremely simple SLR film camera that can use aperture priority AE and manual exposure.However, by using a mechanical shutter for the high speed side shutter (1/2000 seconds to 1/75 seconds), it can function even in cold regions of -30 °C. In addition, it is the world’s first SLR film camera that realizes drip proof and sand proof with a sealed structure, It has a replaceable viewfinder system, etc. All of these are designed to meet the needs of professionals.

The PENTAX LX camera body has a good hold and shutter release feeling, and I think that it is a camera that not only seeks the result as a photograph but also enjoys the “joy of having”.

“Rollei Retro 80S” About the 35mm film used for this black and white film photography

Rollei Retro 80s 35mm Black and White Film | The Other Side of Tokyo,Japan

Many of the photographs in this photography project, “The Other Side of Tokyo, Japan” were taken using “Rollei Retro 80S” 35mm black and white film.

A few others, including those shot on “Kodak T-MAX100” and “T-MAX400” 35mm black and white films, and “Ilford FP4 Plus” 35mm black and white films.

Rollei Retro 80S film is a black and white film with a unique characteristic curve that draws an S-shaped curve, and can draw rich shadow details.

Another feature is that the maximum black density can be obtained by using transparent polyester for the film base.

In addition, the linear density (maximum resolution), which indicates the fineness of the film particles, is 287 lines / mm, so even if you print on 11×14 photographic paper, you cannot recognize the grains.

The film speed is also moderate sensitivity ISO80, so there is no problem in general shooting.

Right now, the Rollei Retro 80s is an indispensable 35mm film for me to shoot black and white film.