The entrance to an old Japanese house that is no longer in use

The entrance to an old Japanese house that is no longer in use in Nihonbashi,Tokyo,Japan | Tokyo Japan Film Photography

The entrance to an old Japanese house that is no longer in use|Tokyo Japan Film Photography


35mm Film Camera Black and White Photo Example

Project Title of Photography

Photography of the Other Side of Tokyo Japan

Series Title of Photography

Facade Series

*This category contains black and white 35mm film photographs of the “Facade” series in the “Series Title of Photography”.

Title of Photography

The entrance to an old Japanese house that is no longer in use in Nihonbashi,Tokyo,Japan

Landscape and Architecture Photographing Location


*In this category, black and white 35mm film photographs taken in “NIHONBASHI” in “TOKYO” in “JAPAN” in “Landscape and Architecture Photographing Location” are posted.

Shooting Data

Shooting Date:2/16/2021
Camera & LensPENTAX LX 35mm Film Camera SMC PENTAX-M 50mm F1.7 Lens
FilmRollei Retro 80S 35mm Film Roll
DeveloperMQ type Developer. Increased Sodium Carbonate Ver.(High dilution and high acutance self-prepared developer)
Time︰24°C 10min
DigitizeSIGMA SD15 Digital Camera with Nikon Slide Copying Adapter ES-1

Thinking About This Photograph

 This photograph was taken in Nihonbashi-Tomizawa-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.

 When I was walking around Nihonbashi-Ningyocho, I came to Nihonbashi-Tomizawacho.

 This is often the case because the towns are adjacent.

 Since the development was done when the development test of the Sakagawa-type self-prepared developer was almost completed, this developed negative was almost ideally finished, and this photograph was also finished as expected.

 The actual subject looks brighter, but if you finish it as you see it, it’s just a “recorded photo”.

 It is necessary to set the exposure by imagining the finished “picture” at the shooting stage, and to develop with the development data obtained through repeated tests.

 If more mottled patterns were drawn on the wall, I think the photograph would have a better atmosphere.